Thursday, April 26, 2007


Okay, Blogger, fine.

I'll do whatever you say. Tell me I have to upgrade to the "new" Blogger--and deny me access to my site unless I comply--and I'll cave. Try to make it sound like you're doing me a favor and I will bow before you, promising fealty forever.

But this morning you done pissed me off. You're supposed to remember me on my computer. I shouldn't have to sign in. Twice. And I realize this seems like a minor, pissy complaint--it took me seconds to do this--but it's a bad sign. This is how it starts, Blogger. Remember last summer, when you lost several posts somewhere in the aether? And then, after that, it was a week before I could log in?

Honestly, Blogger, I didn't intend to spend this time slogging away on you. I was going to assail the latest outrage from Alberto Gonzales' justice department, a scheme to impose even more stringent, blatantly unconstitutional limits on legal representation among prisoners at Gitmo, a plan that would, among other things, deny their lawyers access to "secret evidence"--a phrase that means whatever the hell the Bushinistas want it to mean.

It's an outrage, Blogger, and it makes me mad, but the fact is, it doesn't effect me personally. But this goofy shit you're pulling, it could prevent me from being able to vent my spleen for a day or two. It's about me. And you, too, of course.

So be nice to me, because I have the ability to write whiny, long-winded prose, and I will not be denied.