Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Yeah, well, I was going to write about...something...Sorry, I'm still scraping bits of this off the wall...Um, where was I? Anyway, I was going to write about, like, cool new DVDs and stuff. I was going to--Ow! This is really painful!--tell you to run out and buy Volume Two of the Astaire-Rogers Collection, and Season Two of Batman Beyond and for crying out loud be sure to get The Sesame Street Nostalgia Collection and SNL: The Best Of TV Funhouse.

I would have said all that, but then this happened. It wasn't Tony Snow announcing that the White House will officially no longer use the phrase "Stay the course" regarding Iraq, or Karl Rove smugly telling NPR's Robert Siegel that he is "certain" the Republicans will take the mid-term elections.

But when I heard Bush stumping on the campaign trail, saying that the Democrat's idea of defense against terror is to wait until we're attacked...Well, my head exploded. No, literally. There's gray matter everywhere.

I mean, we were attacked, right? And Bush was president, right? I mean, are they trying to pretend that didn't happen? Are we supposed to have forgotten? Do they think we're stupid?

Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
