Sunday, November 12, 2006


Hey, I hate to harsh anyone's buzz, but Mr. President, Democrats--35 people killed today in Iraq by suicide bombers at police recruting stations. 11 people killed in seperate bombings. Five people killed in drive-by shootings, 10 people killed as a bus was seized, the rest taken hostage. This all in the span of two days.

And that whole cease-fire thing between Israel and Palestine? Not working.

And with Daniel Ortega firmly in place in Nicaragua, we have a growing coaltion of governments in Central America that hate the United States, and that hatred, as it turns out, is entirely justified.

And Iran and North Korea, needlessly antagonized by Bush? They still hate us, too.

So yeah, sure, make your little talk about working together and doing things for the good of the nation. Mr. President, stop being such a dick. Democrats, make good on promises like raising the minimun wage, things you could have accomplished a long time ago if you'd actually tried. Do what you have to do to make this country's citizens feel better about things.

But remember, in the bigger world, this election has changed nothing.