Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Sorry. I know things have been pretty depressing around here lately. When I'm not avoiding writing by posting music clips, I ramble on and on about the latest wretched turn in my life, or the latest tragic events in the wider world. It's not always a fun read around here, or maybe I'm just not a fun person. There must be some reason why women keep dumping me.

Oops, I did it again, off on another woe-is-me tear. It's not as though my life is entirely without joy, although moments of pleasure tend to be fleeting...No, damn it, that sounds depressing, too.

Ah, but we do, after all, live in a rather depressing world. Dog-eat-dog doesn't begin to cover it; more like dog-kill-dog-just-for-pleasure. People are cruel, simply because they can be. In America right now, the gap between rich and poor has never been greater, and the president goes out of his way to give extra perks to those who need it least. And we do nothing about it! We stand slack-jawed, allowing ourselves to be abused by the powerful, utterly convinced of the futility of even attempting change.

I could link this tendency to my personal life, of course. There's a reason why it seems I write about my cats more and more often. They're my only companions these days. I don't go out much, not right now. Why the hell should I? I don't even want to date, because I can write the story before it happens, and what's the point of getting hurt again?

Say, didn't this start out with me apologizing for being so depressing? Heh.