Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Well, it's all over for the Yankees, and probably for manager Joe Torre as well. The perpetually nutty George Steinbrenner had made it clear that if Torre couldn't take the team to the Series, his twelve year career with the team was over.

Torre, of course, could only go with what he had, and the Yankees have struggled all season due to a lack of decent pitching. This isn't Torre's fault, of course; it's Steinbrenner's. This clown has always had the attitude that money trumps everything, so he spends a fortune to acquire superstars rather than building an actual, functioning team. (He made a big show of bringing back aging legend Roger Clemens, who promptly contributed pretty much nothing.)

Things will probably only get worse for the Yankees, since Steinbrenner is apparently planning on leaving much of the day-to-day business of running the franchise to his kids, business types with no love for the game.

As depressing as that is, it's got nothing on this headline from today's New York Times: DEMOCRATS SEEM READY TO EXTEND WIRETAP POWERS.

The mighty opposition party is preparing to go ahead and give Team Bush everything they want.
