As I write this, the outcome of the Senate race is too close to call, but the Democrats have, at the very least, picked up seats there, and in the House, Democrats have definitely taken control. So the Death Star has been destroyed. Big deal.
That means yet to come we still have Lando selling out his friends, Han frozen in carbonite and Luke losing hand. (You know, metaphorically speaking.) The Republican Empire suffered a minor defeat, but this means Bush's end runs around the constitution will become less blatant and more devious. If I felt the Democrats had the slightest bit of competence in their new role, hey, I'd break out the hats and hooters like Josie's come home. (Wow--I just went from a shameless Star Wars analogy to a pointless Steely Dan reference. Thanks, pop culture, from sparing me some of the pain of the real world.)
After all, what will Democrats actually do? They might be able to put the brakes out some of the Bushinista's more outrageous schemes--and I stress the word "might"--but even if they somehow take the Senate, the White House and Supreme Court are still firmly in the death grip of Cheney and Rove, and power will be more difficult to pry from their hands than a rifle from a dead NRA member. You think they didn't see this coming? You think they weren't prepared?
We can only hope that Democrats find their own band of Ewoks, and somehow bring the whole thing down.