Thursday, November 02, 2006


This is basically a follow-up to yesterday's post about how incredibly stupid the Democrats are. Proof arrives in the form of John "I have nothing to apologize for" Kerry's apology for his lame, badly-delivered joke. Yeah, it's totally disingenuous of the Bushinistas to run with this, to accuse him of slandering the soldiers on the front lines in Iraq, since they damn well knew what Kerry was trying to say.

But the fact is, he blew the joke, and what he said did make him sound like a smug, elitist prick. And even if he'd delivered the joke as written, it was just another "Bush is stupid" gag. Clearly, whatever else he is, Bush isn't stupid, and the Sith Lords surrounding him know exactly what they're doing. The fact that the Democrats aren't even trying to build a scrappy Rebel Alliance to take on the Republican Death Star, that they prefer to trot out John Kerry--who, by the way, LOST THE FUCKING ELECTION--to make snide remarks instead of offering even a shred of substance, shows how utterly clueless they are.

I was about to promise to never use any more Star Wars analogies when discussing real-world politics, but I realized that, just like John Kerry, I'd be eating my words in a day or two. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go figure out which contemporary political figures I can compare to Lando Calrissian.