Saturday, May 17, 2008


So petty to focus on my problems.

78,ooo people dead from the cyclone in in Myanmar, with nearly as many missing. 29,ooo from the earthquake in China, with the number expected to climb much, much higher. Tornadoes in the midwestern United States, random, savage. It seems sometimes as though the very planet itself is angry with us.

More death, not so natural: The war in Iraq, of course. Somalia. Darfur. Ethiopia. Lebanon. Afghanistan.

And yet, I don't care. Not now. The unraveling has been in motion, and this week we arrived at the climax: Katie and I are a couple no more.

Details? Nah, I'm not gonna offer any. That would lead to accusations and name-calling and ugliness in general, and right now my life is quite ugly enough. The intention is to ride this out as quietly as possible. My nephew's graduation is this weekend, so by attending that, I'll at least be surrounded by family, the terrible emptiness kept at rest for another day. Then it's back to work after my week off--not a terribly relaxing week, unfortunately--and maybe the slow grind of monotony will actually be good for me.

For you, the reader, this unfortunately probably means more whining posts in which I try to come to terms with my inability to sustain a relationship. But that will be down the road a ways. This coming week will be all about Indiana Jones! Unless I get distracted or depressed, but hey, what are the chances that could happen?