Thursday, May 01, 2008


According to a new poll conducted on behalf of The New York Times and CBS News, Barack Obama's lead over Hillary Clinton is slipping. Not surprising, given the mostly media-manufactured "controversies" surrounding Obama, and Clinton's relentless attacks on his character.

But, whatever. The numbers aren't the part of the poll I find interesting. Among the usual questions regarding job performance and electability, people were asked whether they found each of the candidates "very patriotic, somewhat patriotic or not very patriotic."

The hell? Say what you will about McCain, Clinton and Obama, they are all seeking to lead the country in one of the most troubled times in its history. Hubris aside, why would they want to do such a crazy thing if they didn't sincerely love their country? And since when did average citizens get to judge the patriotism of others?

Here's an idea--mandatory patriotism tests! Losers (decided by call-in votes, just like American Idol!) will be paraded down a hall of shame until finally confronted by a righteous mob, who will pelt the turncoats with stones. Workers in quarries will have to put in serious overtime just to come up with enough rocks--it'll help stimulate the economy and raise spirits. Plus, it'll just be fun.

Ah, a new day dawns, and it's morning in America once again.