Friday, October 20, 2006


Quick! Do something! The approval ratings are in the toilet!

Our Beloved President is finally realizing that the American public does NOT support his little endeavor in Iraq. He's so concerned about blowback from the war having an effect on November's election that he's starting to talk about options other than staying the course. Included among those options? Just getting the hell out.

Wait. Wouldn't that make him a quitter, an appeaser, one of those cut-and-run weenie boys that he was demonizing just a month ago?

Well, yes it would, which is why this new plan of action is a bit baffling. It would make it clear that everything Bush has been saying all this time has been bullshit, that he didn't really care about bringing democracy to the Middle East, and worst of all, that all those thousands of American soldiers died for absolutely no reason. That last part will be a particularly tough sell, I should think.

But you know, I have faith in The Decider's squad of hit men. They'll find some outrageous charge to fling against Democrats at the last minute, and whether it's true or not, it'll work. The Imperial Presidency will continue as it always has, and the citizens of this nation will go on about their business as if nothing has happened.

God bless America.