Saturday, December 22, 2007


I'll surely write more about Sweeney Todd once I've processed my thoughts more fully, but for now I'll say that, after ten years of diminishing returns, Tim Burton has finally made his masterpiece. This may be the most fully imagined film musical since...well, since Vincente Minnelli's The Pirate.

Driving home, Christmas lights and streetlights and headlights all blurred together in the fog, and i felt a profound sense of loss. I felt Mom's presence, there and gone, like missing her for the first time. Maybe it was the movie, maybe it's the season.

When I walked in my door, Delmar sat up on his hind legs and grabbed my hand in his front paws, purring.

These are the things on my mind right now. Can't think of anything else, or put them in any coherent context. Maybe later.