Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Poor little Bushie, hated or ignored by all, trying for one last time to talk tough, hoping if he said all the things he used to say, it would be just like old times.

But the times have passed him by. True, the Republican presidential wannabes are essentially promising more of the same. They're too canny to admit this, however, and have repackaged it, knowing full well there are no gains to be had in openly tying themselves to the Bush legacy.

Unfortunately, that legacy is with us, for now and the foreseeable future. Endless war, denial of civil liberties, class divisions, overt racism, destruction of the Constitution--Republicans were fine with it at the time, as were many Democrats. Those in positions of power who stood in opposition offered no meaningful fight. Were they too tired? Too scared? Did they not realize how far it would go until it had already gone?

As Bush rattled through a State Of The Union speech seemingly frozen in time, pleading to stay the course in Iraq and make permanent his tax cuts for the super wealthy, nobody in the hall had any cause to criticize him. No matter what they may pretend, they all had a hand in creating our current mess.