Monday, January 15, 2007


Even The Decider's friends agree he's in bunker mode now, and the guy interviwed on last night's 6o Minutes was clearly a man suffering from terrifying delusions.

"I think the Iraqis owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." I"'ve made the decision, and we're going forward." "The minute we found out there were no weapons of mass destruction, I was the first to say so." "Sometimes you're the educator in chief."

The Sith Lord Cheney was all over the Sunday chatfests, displaying his Joe Goebbels-like charm as he made it clear that the administration is as willing as ever to smear the reputations of all who dare oppose it.

And the Democrats continue to dither like a bunch of Red Hat ladies on their first outing at an Indian restaurant. "Oh, maybe we should try this." "No, that would be unfamiliar to us, let's try something we're comfortable with." "Should we?" "I don't know." Right now they're unified--more or less--in their opposition to Bush's surge, but as to any plans they have to stop him, well, it's pretty much a lot of self-congratulatory huffing and puffing. Never mind that they were elected by the American people to actually, you know, do something.

Despite the midterm elections, despite the president's--sorry, the educator's--plunging poll numbers, despite a growing anger and a sense, even among the most uneducated, that the American Empire is entering its final phase, despite everything, nothing seems to be changing in Washington. The president's not the only one in bunker mode.