Sunday, January 14, 2007


This is why playing around on the internet is a dangerous thing: You learn things you never wanted to know, and the knowledge of these things diminishes the quality of your life in tiny but measurable degrees.

For instance, someone, somewhere, for reasons sane people can only imagine, is making an anime-styled direct to video sequel to Highlander. Discovering this, I followed the link to discover that Russel Mulcahy, who not only foisted the original Highlander on us but also such exemplars of suckiness as Duran Duran videos, has been signed on as director of the third (!) Resident Evil movie.

All this is horrible news, but not as horrifying as knowing that I was doing something in the first place that led me to links on Highlander...and God help me, I felt the urge to know more.

This is how we discover the darkness that dwells within us, I guess. There's probably some appropriate quote from Highlander itself, but mercifully, I couldn't say for sure.