Thursday, March 01, 2007


I have a small apartment, and I tend to be rather spartan in my home decor, so the fact that I acquired a new chair is big news around here.

(Well, not new--my neighbor got new furniture, and threw out her old chair, which is what I got. Still, it's new to me...)

It's a huge wooden chair with soft, comfy cushions, and I wouldn't bother mentioning it at all, except the cats think it's the greatest thing they've ever seen.

At first they reacted like the ape-men in 2001 when the monolith appeared, gathering around it in awe, occasionally touching it. Within fifteen minutes, they were both curled up in the seat, snuggled together and purring. These guys squabble all the time, and here they are being bestest buddies in the whole world. Weird.

Okay, I realize this seems like an incredibly insubstantial and frankly uninteresting thing to write about, but I damn near wrote about the death of Kennedy hagiographer Arthur M. Schlesinger, so it could have been even more boring. At least this way, you get to read about adorable kitties. And everybody likes kitties, right? Right?

Hey, where are you going?