Tuesday, June 26, 2007


The New York Times has, for whatever inscrutable reasons of its own, run this piece by Air Force Colonel Morris Davis, which tells us Gitmo is a wonderful place, and for the sake of God, country, and Our Beloved President's War On Terror, it must remain open, despite the number of prisoners who have been released, despite the tales of torture and brutality told even by people who have worked there, despite the condemnation of human rights groups around the world. But by God, Davis has been there, and based on what he's seen, it's pretty much a day camp.

This piece is likely part of the script the Empire is preparing as part of their campaign. Given that whoever the Republicans nominate for president will simply become the latest empty suit to front for the shadowy cabal currently running the country, you'd think it would be easy to find a Democrat to support, and naturally, you'd be wrong.

The presumed and all-but-annointed front-runner, Hillary Clinton, carries so much negative baggage (most obviously, her patrician contempt for common folk becomes more apparent the more she tries to hide it) that even a party as hapless as the Democrats realizes she may not be The Chosen One. A more rational party would start listening more closely to what Dennis Kuchinich has to say, or even start grooming John Edwards (a desperation move, I know, but hey...). Instead, many party insiders are pleading with Al Gore to enter the race.

Let me say that again: They want Al Gore.

Um, folks? Hello? This guy already had his shot, and he lost. And don't give me that bullshit about Nader "stealing" votes away, or how Gore actually won the popular vote but Bush staged a coup. The fact of the matter is, Gore couldn't score a decisive victory against a pathetic lightweight like George W. Bush. It's his own damn fault that he lost, and he should just whore himself out as a pundit and leave us decent people alone.

Right now, Democrats seem to think hating Bush is enough of a platform. It's not. Polls show Americans are disgusted with both parties, probably because they know they both drink from the same poisoned well. The Republican congress was defeated last fall because people thought there would be real, meaningful change, but once in charge, Democrats simply became the very thing they'd professed to hate. Powerful the dark side is. And winning.