Wednesday, May 07, 2008


See, this is why I hate Hillary Clinton.

John McCain said recently that, if elected, he'll make sure any Supreme Court nominees will strictly adhere to the intent of the founders. In other words, more guys like Scalia and Alito and Roberts, guys who refuse to believe the Constitution is a living document, needing to be updated to reflect changing times. These clowns desperately hew to their notions of what Jefferson and Adams intended, back in the day when women were second-class citizens, blacks were property and a "well-regulated militia" consisted of nothing more than flintlocks.

Such an attitude is batshit insane here in the real world, and McCain's determination to stock the court with right-wing nutjobs gives a terrifying preview of where his administration is headed. I realize he's not president yet, but if Hillary Clinton has her way, it's just a matter of time.

She lost the North Carolina primary, and barely scratched out a victory in Indiana. These pathetic results follow weeks of shameless pandering. She couldn't insure victory for herself, but she's stirred up plenty of doubts about Barack Obama, doubts that are likely to linger until the November election.

Assuming Obama gets the nomination--and though Clinton seems unable to grasp reality, his nomination is pretty much guaranteed--it's very possible he's already lost the votes of the working-class whites Clinton has courted so desperately, her whispered words of coded racism still fresh in their ears. They won't vote for that guy 'cause he's not a real American, he's a Muslim or some such, that's what Hillary told them.

So McCain will probably get their votes, and quite possibly the White House. Clinton would rather keep the country under the thumb of a right-wing cabal than gracefully pass the nomination on to another. All that matters to Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton.