Friday, August 08, 2008


I'll be gone for a couple of days, taking some much-needed time away. So just a brief post today.

No mention of the fact that the first Prisoner in Gitmo the U.S. has actually brought to trial was a lowly driver for Bin Laden who had nothing to do with anything, and even the jerry-rigged legal system devised by Cheney's minions couldn't convict him of any serious charges.

No mention of the desperation move of the New York Jets signing Brett Favre, and how it conjures visions of the Washington Wizards giving Michael Jordan everything he wanted, and we all know how well that turned out.

No mention of Quentin Tarantino's latest opus, or how the filmmaker who once claimed he took so long between projects because he wanted to be remembered as a great artist is planning a redo of an Italian knock-off of The Dirty Dozen.

No, not a word on these topics, nor anything about my non-existent love life, nothing about the cats, nothing depressing or joyous, shallow or profound. Just a farewell for now, and see you next week.

Oh, and also some Roger Miller, because why the hell not?