Friday, September 01, 2006


No, I just can't do it. I'd write about the Bushinista's new desperation tactics in defending the war in Iraq, how they are trying once again to tie Iraq to 9/11, their despicable attacks on the patriotism of any and all who oppose them--but I can't. To do so would involve actually reading the transcripts of recent speeches from Bush and Rumsfeld, and frankly, I'm on meds for my blood pressure, so...

So let's see what's going on elsewhere in the Middle East. According to the U.N., the cease fire between Israel and Lebanon has been violated by the Lebanese four times, and by Israelis seventy times. Today's New York Times has a depressing piece on the continued Israeli presence in Lebanon, firing mortars, smashing tanks into buildings, detaining the occasional citizen, all in the name of defense. Oh, and they're not violating a cease fire, according to government spokesperson Miri Eisen, because a cease fire doesn't exist. This is merely a "cessation of hostilities," so Israel is free to strut around Lebanon acting like a bully, because...No, again, I don't want to go into it. I'll get dizzy and lightheaded, and I'll need to go lay down.

Well, what can I write about? Let's see, Father Gabriel Amorth, official exorcist to Pope Benedict (Did you know the Pope had his very own exorcist? Neither did I.), Hitler and all of his followers were possessed by Satan. He reached this conclusion because, apparently, he couldn't think of any other reason hy so many people would be responsible for so much evil. There's no such thing as free will, according to the Catholic church. When given a choice, people would never choose to do something despicable.

So does that mean when I call Bush and Rumsfeld "tools of Satan", I'm not speaking metaphorically? Thanks, Father Amorth! My blood pressure's doing just fine!