Saturday, July 26, 2008


As regular readers of this space know, I'm ready to drop a Star Wars reference at a moment's notice. But I'm not, you know, that into it.

I wouldn't, for instance, have a Star Wars-themed wedding, or choose to get married at the geek-fest known as ComicCon. This is just kind of sad and pathetic, the spectacle of two people incapable of living in the real world. Or even the Star Wars universe, as defined by George Lucas. This couple chose to wed as Mandalorians, and I wasn't even aware of the Mandalorian race until I looked it up on Wookiepedia (God, how I wish I hadn't just typed that) and discovered their languages and rituals were essentially creations of the fan universe. Technically, Boba Fett is a Mandalorian, but he's not referred to as such in any of the movies, and it's entirely possible Lucas himself didn't even dream up the word.

If you're going to base your marriage vows around Star Wars--and again, please don't!--shouldn't you at least stick to the sacred Original Text, set down by Lucas himself? Shouldn't it be a Leia-and-Han thing, or, less promisingly, Padme-and-Annakin (though that pairing couldn't possibly result in anything good--you might as well have a Whos's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf-themed wedding). I mean, it's nice that people are so inspired by this fictional galaxy far, far away that they choose to make it their own, but...Ick.

Incidentally, Lucas announced this week his plans for rereleasing the original trilogy in 3-D are coming along swimmingly. I'm a fan, George, but there comes a time when you should just let the old cash cow alone.