Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I've called into work to tell them I won't be there, took some anti-diarrheal meds and am waiting for them to kick in so I can go back to bed, hopefully to get the sleep I didn't get during the night. (You don't want the details.) Just thought I'd tap this out for your amusement or edification or whatever, since I've got nothing better to do. Besides, as Linda Blair so eloquently put it in Airport '75, "It's so exciting!"

Huh? What? Oh yeah, I should mention that I'm light headed as well. And that was before I took the meds. Once those suckers start to work, who knows? I might start singing Kumbayah or something. Or quoting Linda Blair. Nah, I'd never do that.

Wow, this is getting really pointless. Let me cut it short and let one of my all-time heroes, the late Warren Zevon take over, with a jaunty little number about a broken heart and terminal illness. And man, Zevon wrote a lot of songs about his failing health, long before he learned he was dying of cancer. Right now, I know how he felt. (About the health thing. Broken heart? Sorry, I know nothing about that.)